Friday, March 18, 2016



Facebook entry  18 March 2016

Nancy Leach Paciga:  Ok Rod, so I cannot understand what he is saying

Rod Malay: Yes, I see. Nor do I understand. I asked Nana to share it with me, as I am researching the issues this guy is talking about (for a future art project). Nana interprets for me. The issue is about the Armenian Genocide 1915 in the first World War. Nana's ancestry is from that region of the world, the "Cradle of Civilization". She was born and grew up in the passion of that region, with her bloodline going back 15,000 years. So I get a lot of comments on the social, political, history, culture and the wars and genocide of that region. Most of the world agrees that it was a genocide of 1.5 million Armenians. The Ottoman Turkish Empire decided to systematically get rid of the Armenians (along with the Greeks and Assyrians)... ethnic Cleansing, from their state, Eastern Turkey, which sits on the southern border of Georgia, Nana's home country (on the Black Sea). Islamic Turkey virtually wiped out the Armenians (Christians). But the Armenians fiercely fought back, with the aid of Russia. This resulted in a lot of Turks being killed (including civilians). But, virtually the whole world agrees that it was a genocide against the Armenians at the hands of the Turks.

That guy above (photo) is metaphorically fighting back in defence of Turkey and says that if it was to be called an Armenian Genocide, then it must also be called a Turkish genocide against the Turks by the Armenians. Machiavelli  plucked out the eyes of his opponents and then blamed them for their blindness. This seems somewhat the insanity of the Turks. They initiated the war. Yet they defiantly disagree that the accusation of the slaughter of 1.5 million be labelled a genocide. Go figure.

Nana Iosava: Armenian Genocide (against) many Muslims countries: Turkey, Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia!!! This video show only the facts and evidence documented, against shit Armenians!!! The man said the world needs to know what the Armenians did, otherwise the world thinks it was just an Armenian Genocide by the Turks. Even the European International Court in Brussels they didn't charge Turkey, as it was NOT genocide by Turkey. It was opposite Armenia Genocide against Turkey and you see on video dead Turkey people and other Muslim countries people. I know what shit Armenians and nationals are!!!

Rod Malay: You see Cuz... passions run high and deep, in the Cradle of Civilization. The Armenian's were the Jews of the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire. In fact, it is that atrocity from which Hitler got his idea for the Holocaust. So logic may take one to believe that the Turks were the Facists of the Turkish Empire, now a Republic, as the Ottoman signature collapsed after WW!. The Armenians of that time were the educated people. the intellectuals and successful business people, who by the way lived in that region for around 3000 years. The Turks were the uneducated ones So it is not too hard to see why the Turks hated them and that seem to have continued up to this present day.

The present day Government of Turkey forbids  anyone (by law) to speak of the Armenian Genocide. That is understandable given the shame that must accompany that atrocity and the huge cost of reparation that would follow if the International Criminal Court (ICC) were to officially label it a Genocide, which they have not done to date. So, why have they not done so? Well, because of the threat from Turkey to the International Western Nations (specifically USA)... Turkey is the Gateway for the strategic Western military base of operation. Turkey would block it to American war ships and weaponry.

You see... it is all politics.

The Federal Government of USA, the UK and Israel have not called the Armenian atrocities a Genocide so to avoid conflict with Turkey, which is in full denial. The Western military might of those four nations is a powerful persuader in the world of corrupt political and judicial bodies (even the ICC).  Incidentally, as Senator, Barrack Obama said if he becomes President of the USA, he will declare the atrocities an Armenian Genocide. Seems his memory is slipping, as he went back on his word in the face of the threat from Turkish President Erdoagn. . But, about 44 US States have declared it a Genocide.

The photo of the crucifixion below, is one of the many, many atrocities by the Turkish Ottoman Caliphate of old against the Armenian Christians. The beheadings of the modern day "Islamic Jihadist Caliphate state" is nothing new. The Turkish Caliphate was ahead of them by at least 100 years... chopping of the head of the intellectuals, the business owners, etc. So let us not get too horrified at what is happening in the Middle East these days.

I believe those are young women crucified on the crosses below.

Rod Malay ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Predator Babies facebook follow-up: Part 2

Predator Babies

SC: Rape means penetration and that is not normal childhood exploration. Maybe some of these kids are being violent? If so, it's a good bet that it's a learned behavior, so worth investigating the home situation.

Rod:  PREDATOR BABIES...Really?... a four year old child penetrated another child? I think before we become hysterical and advertise to the pseudo intellectual world the "criminal" act of a four year old, we should get the facts....And you are no doubt right... learned behaviour. The article should not focus on children, rather it should focus on adult deviant behaviour. But I guess that is all so extensive, wide spread and boring that the media needs to find new headlines. That really is the immorality of the issue... not to dismiss the issue of adult reptilian behaviour, hiding in cellular recesses of all of us. That is what I speak about, our immoral lack of civilization... our stupidity and lack of education... no matter how many PhD's follow your name.

CS: Everything seems to be a pendulum, swinging too far one way, then too far the other. I read a story like the death of the eight year old bride caused by her middle-aged husband having sex with her, and ... you know, Rod, it just makes me and probably a lot of others want to string him up. So there becomes an over-reaction perhaps to any hint of harm to little girls, or little boys, a huge need to want to protect. It IS a 'rape culture' we are living in, and I guess we try to figure out how that thinking comes about, and when. I see some positives beginning - For example, recognition finally in France that fashion models under a certain weight can die, trying to look "girlish" and I do mean trying to look under 12 coltish fragile. And magazine ads which are sexual but feature models who are under 12. What is the next taboo to be broken? Do we take it right down to 5 year olds? So I am encouraged that some laws have come into affect about the body weight, which was immoral in the extreme, yet completely acceptable for so long. I do understand your point of view and wish we were around ye olde cellar table having a lively discussion about all of this. It all needs to be talked about out in the open.
CS: And yes. It is media ever seeking ever more lurid headlines.

Rod: Agreed, "out in the open". I have been trying to provoke that with my commentary. But no luck to date with getting any invites. I have been developing a multi-media presentation around it, including a Q&A, even digging into unspoken subjects like... the male voracity for shaved pussies, which I feel is somewhat tied to infantile... perhaps... deviant male/predatory fantasies. It could be an invigorating event.

CS: Yes, what's THAT all about? (naked pussies) Had not
realized that was de rigueur until someone posted a complete history of Playboy centrefolds, and the recent years boldly displayed these as the norm. Was just now reading a post about the Minnesota starvation experiment done during WWll. What anorexia does to the personality. When gender is male, we care. When gender is female, we almost see it as natural that a woman wants to remain petite, and that it really isn't hard on her to do so, as it is on men. Why is it we ask women to apologize for aging, but men just get more handsome and wise with time? Just watched a post of a two-person love ballet and could not help but ask myself, as I do when watching skating, why he gets to dance in t-shirt and shorts whilst she has her arse hanging out as a matter of course. Anyway, on the subject of pedophilia, if it is true that rape is a power play and not a sex play, it makes sense that as women gain the voice to speak out, the courage to go to court, the power to retaliate, predatory types with any sense of self-preservation look to younger and more helpless prey. We need to educate kids at a younger and younger age about self-protection, consequently, and this robs them of their period of innocence, this cautionary education.

Rod: I think we over rate it and get carried away with education of kids. Lets get the adults living a healthy, respectful, democratic lifestyle. The kids will follow. We tend to be totalitarians, which clearly answers the question...why do totalitarians run our governments. Any half intelligent person can see the corollary, the logic in the outcome. We elect totalitarians to kill people outside of our comfortable circle, while ensuring us that they are promoting democratic ideologies. That relieves us of our sin and consequently our guilt. The polling stations on election days are really confession booths. We exit.... proud of ourselves. Hypocrisy is our niqab to cover our shame. And that is the educations our kids get in the classrooms of the nations.

Rod: I am developing a multi-media art performance piece, somewhat in the style of New York artist Laurie Anderson (wife of Lou Reed, rip). There are many differences in our styles, but Anderson has been a brilliant influence for me. Her commentary on life is spectacular. I do not claim to be near her equal... but I would marry her if she would have me...Ha! In the meantime, I am looking for venues to present my work. 


Monday, March 14, 2016

Predator Babies

Predator Babies


This is a sad commentary on the adult population in this modern world and a further example of how far we have oxidized into the rust of immorality as a human race. We ought to be profoundly ashamed of ourselves. We have totally lost our sense of dignity and sensibility, while reaching the limits of hysteria, as if being batted onto the skull with a baseball bat.

Suffer poor children for the sins of our ignorant parents. Turning our babies into criminals. We have reached the lowest level of depravity and deviance.

Police have investigated a rape claim against a five-year-old boy in Manchester, it has been revealed. New figures have emerged showing 70 sex attacks were allegedly committed by children under the age of 10 in the past year - including 21 rapes recorded by Greater Manchester Police.

“Prevention has to be the key and that is recognising warning signs early and taking swift action.” The Independent

“warning signs” OMG!!!

We have to question the mental state of such drama in those people (probably hysterical lower levels educated, either ignorant or mis-quided intellectuals) who dream up such language and who bring these actions to the attention of the police. They obviously need counselling on the natural explorative behaviour of children.

“The young victims who have suffered these awful assaults need expert support.” The Independent

And let’s separate the “awful assaults” from, 'natural exploration' of children discovering the differences between male and female body parts. Parents really need to go back to school to learn how not to create deviant behaviour in their children. This is another example of what I call an immoral society (referred to in some of my recent screams on Facebook. That is ignorant people setting off panic alarms at the drop of a pin.

I addressed this issue back in 1986 with my travelling exhibit No Further Comment. If I was on the road with that exhibit today, I would be arrested, charged with child pornography and probably labelled a sexual pervert, for the rest of my life, while being forced to put a sign on my door declaring myself a “CHILD ABUSER LIVES HERE“. So you see how far we have slipped back in our morality and sensibility is those 30 short years… straight into the gutter of deviance as we charge our children,
our babies with criminal rape. I have attached photos of the sculptures I created back in 1986, which I presented to an audience of 30,000, with only one complaint of indecency. The police arrived, checked out the complaint and dismissed it, with a smile.

A young girl leads a boy to examine the penis of a second boy… the girl takes charge. In another sculpture, two little boys play with each other in a very affectionate manner. One of the boys has an erection.

This is all progressive natural curiosity and natural biological behaviour. At this age, perhaps the most important stage in human development, exploration is not only infinite but also absolute and necessary.

MacLean’s Magazine called my exhibit: The Magical Mystery Tank

30,000 visitors. Keep in mind… if you want me to come and present the images and stories to you in person, just send me an email (to the Canadian Penitentiary address… Ha, Ha!). PM Trudeau will probably give me a weekend pass. We really do need to talk about this before our whole next generation of beautiful children are ruined forever.  This is my most sincere and urgent message: