All for love
She played my favourite music. I imagined her as Helen of Troy, Goddess of my dreams and that she was in the flick of an eye and then gone. We walked the hardwood hills… naked and laid in the leaves.
It is all mixed up with her. The fucking talking playing working eating sleeping laughing reading. Orgasm. All of it. A genius could not sort it. And why bother. Except I worry it is only for the fuck. The unbelievable fucks.
27 May
I worry too that I am seducing her. That she has lost her mind to need desperation and that when I go she will be devastated. I can not go now without thinking of these things without suffering her pain. She will survive it. All brumakki do. But will I get by her pain. My pain. Without her
It is under control now today. Chaya is happy. Young Light is happy. Quiet. All is quiet in my head … to focus on my lover.
Arri read my letter, my fantasy vision. She said she was not used to performing and that is what it is.
You do not need to do it if it makes you uncomfortable It is my fantasy not yours.
I want to do it. It excites me. I want to dress and undress many times for you.
Was a bit embarrassed that I may have led her into something she may not have wanted to do. But would do it for me. There was no way out now She was determined, in her silent way, to do it. For her as well hopefully. Could not determine her full motivation. I would have to follow it through to know if I had made a mistake.
Those debilitating accusations of slimy lustful dirty old men. Brumakki users abusers . Churned in my stomach stirring up guilt. I had to take Arri at face value. She is an intelligent independent bruma. Knows her own mind and body. Does not hate men. Is not a victim. Enjoys her body sex lust laughter pleasure. Equals mine.
We embraced. Pushed our bodies in tight. Pelvis to pelvis. Breasts to chest. Hands to buttocks. Pulled together. Her language allayed my worries doubts. Yet, I continued to search for signs of betrayal in her words, her touches, looks as I swelled against her.
I washed up from a basin a bit shy in front of her as she watched and asked how I would feel if she wrote the same letter to me. Nervous, uneasy, not sure really but the idea of exercising her fantasy delighted me… would it be… will it be?
She said she could not imagine a fantasy that could be better than the real thing than what we have, do now. Nor could I as we talked. The fantasy was no longer urgent. The letter was written when she was not around… generated by the memory of earlier lust. What was to come would inflame my wildest fantasies… as always… a surprise… that extraordinary love. I assured her it did not matter now but, I knew I was going to get what I asked for. She changed from her blue work jeans into black tights skirt a loose black top showed the swelling of her nipples.
I went to bed before her, undressed slowly in case she was watching and slid between the cool cotton sheets anticipating her. She came from the shadows to my side intent on her mission. My head was at the level of her knees as she leaned against the bed looking down from that great height as an Amazon woman. She rocked her pelvis toward me inviting me to make the next move to break the spell… from fantasy to reality, before she could enjoy it… get-give pleasure. She arched rocked swayed her pelvis further toward me. I rolled her nipples between my fingers. She was moving into the other realm… losing herself in pleasure. She sat down on the edge of the bed, arched her back over me. I raised her skirt. My fingers were lost in her. She was playing the whore for me or was simply lost in the pleasure of her own body in front of an approving audience… watching herself in the mirror rocking on me front to rear.
Oscillating buttock. Buttocks that I had only ever seen in my fantasies or in playboy magazine… perfect firm buttocks framed by the curved legging trim of her white cotton panties that trailed down between her soft inner thighs and eyes.
It was all panic, crying rubbing rocking as she pulled the trim aside inviting me inside. As she masturbated simultaneously.
It was all real… all fantasy… all fabulous
I worry now
That she may leave
That she may not understand
How profoundly I need her
For eternity
I worry now
That she may be afraid
From the times of her past
To venture
Into new beginnings
With me
Too vulnerable to begin
A beginning with me
Too afraid of the pain
I know it is selfish
But isn’t it the ultimate gift to another
To her
The ultimate embrace
Of admiration
Of respect
To want to love her
As I love her
Her mysteries
She is pure love
And I am in love with her
Her will fascinates me
Un revealed
I enter her
Enormous cup
Stand on its rim look in and in and in
Into deep, deep dark
Flowing liquid
And am a speck in her infinity
And my own
I enter
With all that I have
But in some ways naked
As if newly born
To be born into another
On top of all the other beginnings
That never leave
A part of the all
Of me
To stay
To enrich
To fulfill
And I need her
To enrich
To fulfill to stay… until. If she must go
I worry I may be too strong
For her
Fighting behind walls
In terror
No memories of imposed memories
To go to her
After these thirty years
To touch her
Before she speaks
Of the tricksters.
9 December 9:15 am
Day two
Seems like year 20
10 more to go
Before tomorrow
Before more beautiful pain
Than I can just bear
My first waking thought
Of her
The feeling for her
At chakra one
It is ecstasy
My chest pumps pain
Unbearable pain
In anticipation of a tumultuous event
About to plunge
Into its infinite down-ness
To soar up
To the other side
The soul
Beyond time and space
In love with love
In love with pain
We walk toward each other
And into each other
Every fibre mixing
With each other
Tearing for escape
For union
For release
A moment until the passing
To the other side
Of her
Romantic heroes
Other times
My heroes
My lovers
Who comforted me
Imaginings times
Living ahead
Of my time and space
She takes me to it again
A coming home
Not quite
The journey was there
From there to here
It makes the difference
Then simply returning
More of a visit
To embark in new directions
A starting again
But not born again
This time
Love with the lover
Abandonment of fear
She opened her heart way
To me
Goddess of wisdom
Pure knowledge
Pure knowing
Pure giving
Has time
These thirty years past
Not made you submit
To the driven impulse
That knows no intellectualization
No nation
No borders
No gravity
Or rationalization
No argument
That knows not knowing
Only chaotic
Blissful impulse
The agony
To move to the precipice
Into flowing dark liquid
The arms of your lover
Pulling you
Into the centre
Through to another starting
That you pain for
That I pain for
Return to your believing
In all good
Friend ships for ever
To your pure thoughts
So that I may enter you
For new startings
Without hesitation
Without compare
Without memory
Only anguished anticipation
For enrichment
As not before
To enter your
Now as I
Big arms embrace, tenderly caress
10 December
Day 30 year 9:30 - 11:45am
Too many interruptions
Violent assaults
On my need for privacy
Demands to speak
They to invade
My inner thoughts
In other realms
Too much invasion
To dwell on her
Too many eyes
Looking inside
Needing to escape
But it is the only way
To be close to her now
But I must depart
To un blissful places
Bid adieu
Steps on the stairs
Adieu, adieu
I cannot forget her but, there is no way back. She turned her back on me and went into her secret places, leaving me with only assumings …
She left our world and that world left me to only dream of it… to dream it again into existence, to wrestle in the early winter snow, flicking it into our faces in mock battle, battles of laughter, filled with rich anticipation, warm soapy water to sculpt our bodies with slippery hands and artful fingers.
We talked dirty talk and I wrote dirty songs, while listening to her black woman singing sultry, sweaty, provocative Mississippi Delta Blues…
Grease me up honey
Stick your bolt in
And screw it up tight
I’m a bit dry
And a bit loose
She said
This thing ain’t been used in a while
My man has been a little down
Grease it up good honey
Wrench me down hard
My man went out on a job
Boltin down new things
To the floor
Won’t be back til tomorrow
So grease me up good honey
We got the whole night
To fix this thing
I want the biggest bolt you got in that box
Let me check it out for myself
Ooh yeah yeah
That feels just about the right size
It’s a bit crooked though
You been usin dat thing before
On some other floor
Sure was baby
Greasin it up and up
Practicing for you
I like a man who knows what to do
Who has experience
Now get down here
Grease me up
And bolt this thing to the floor
We got da whole night
Yeah baby
You got a good lookin thing
A real good lookin thing
I got some sand paper in this box
To grind it down
And fasten it right
Now part yourself honey
This bolt is bigger tonight
Goin take a little more greasing
Gotta cover it all over baby
With that slippery stuff
To screw it smooth
Give it to me in my hands
And the nuts too
I’ll lick that grease in every thread
You sit back there and relax
This is goin take a while
We got da whole night honey
We got da whooole night
My man is out on a job
He won’t be back til tomorrow afternoon
Good man
Yeah he is a good man my man
He knows how to fix himself without troubling me
Now get off that chair
And fix my thing to the floor
Tonight it belongs to you
You gotta go tomorrow
My man will be back all fixed up
But tonight it belongs to you
It’s all greased up
And tonight baby
It belongs to you
Thaaat feels better
Its good and tight
Grind it down more
Its still stickin out a bit
Grind it some more
Keep grindin
That feels better
My spirit are getting up
I’m getting down into myself again.

"He carries his gun outside of his pants... for all the world to see" Townes Van Zandt... In fact, he wears no pants. He is the Outlaw... the Metaphoric Man, Man Without Power... He is Monad, inside this plastic prism. He is exotic, chaotic, alpha to omega... from the first cell, from the toxic pool, wading through the junk yard, 3.5 billion years... as a man thinketh, unravelling the immaterial mysteries of his Helix.
Selamat tinggal.
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