Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fukcing Muhammad

It’s a “MAD, MAD” world. Since Wednesday I have been thinking about how to respond to this Charlie Hebdo violence in Paris, while imagining a cartoon which I would call: Fukcing Muhammad, where Muhammad is fastened, head and hands, into one of those public pillory stocks and then fucked by the Imams, clerics, the hooded Jihadists, etc, lined up waiting for their turn... “Next!”. Because that is really what is happening. Muhammad is getting such a bad rap by those cowardly murdering, greedy, power seeking, women raping, savage barbarians, using the name of Islam to disguise their bloody actions, as if those atrocities would go unnoticed.

I understood that Muhammad was not that brutal, did not teach such in the Koran but... is it there? Those Jihadist, terrorists I believe are convinced that the infidels, the unbelievers and blasphemers must die by the sword. The Islamists around the world must fundamentally think, be convinced, even in their peaceful declarations, that it is there in the Koran, least why is the ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban, al-Qaeda, etc., etc... and their soldiers metastasizing around the world?

Is Charlie Hebdo‘s antidote effective in killing that cancer? I am on their side but have decided Fukcing Muhammad would be counter productive, at least to my own mission, where I am looking at cause and effect in the human theatre. What are the forces that maintain this inverted/backward action for this bloody phenomena when humanity is supposedly advancing toward civilization.?

“Je suis Charlie” is an inspiring collective action but, is it missing a sword? Is the pen “mightier than the sword? The pen/pencil certainly can inflame raging, passions in the hearts and minds of the believers. The ideal of democracy must prevail but, it relies on that foggy ideology called, “civility“. Maybe that illusion is still before it’s time. Maybe more blood has yet to be spilled, more pain, more suffering, more heads loped, more bullets fired.

The pendulum swings.

The wheel turns...

In it’s yoke

“Around and around we go

In the not so merry go round”

Is Fukcing Muhammad not simply a metaphor for the hypocrisy of all the world nations

Who deserves to die... ?

Who deserves to pull the trigger… ?

Are Charlie Hebdo cartoon’s offensive jokes, inflammatory reactions, hate speech, gratuitous violence?

No! The cartoons are satirical social commentary… not gratuitous blasphemy nor mindless illustrations and as such are valid weapon perhaps on many levels in this modern theatre of war.

A quote by Stephane Charbonnier, editor/founder of Charlie Hebdo, "I'd rather die standing than live on my knees," is hitting the digital air waves and is likely to be a world rallying call for freedom of speech. One of Stephane’s hero was Voltaire.

So I did a little research and discovered this man’s provocative creative lifestyle back in the 1700’s and the many times he was arrested and exiled for his blasphemous writings, poetry, theatrical plays against church/state laws and dogmatic ideologies.

Fascinating! How many times has the circle looped and the pendulum swung in the last 300 years to spawns Charlie after Charlie and the like. .. Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Noam Chomsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Aung San Suu Kyi, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and many more intelligent brave soldier philosophers who have chosen the mantra, “… rather die standing…” and have done or do while facing the barrel of the gun.

I am searching for a proactive position on this issue, which is basically the bully in the school yard but, this bully has guns and is killing people. I do not want to sit back simply and passively intellectualizing and milling about in the safe street of “those crazy artists!”

Je suis Rod!

I read an article* today that reinforced the public opinion that Islam is fundamentally fundamental… warfare is it’s history and is documented in the Koran (Quran) but, declared by the clerics and followers as a “religion of peace”, which I do not believe. I now believe that “peace” is simply a smokescreen.

It was a joy though and an enlightenment to read the story of Voltaire and the time in which he lived where there was so much censorship and wars and civil wars and state religions. The world survived it then. And, as I understand it, Voltaire proposed the idea of separating state and religion in France (and idea probably picked up from John Locke, who philosophised masterly on the concept). And so we now have achieved that ideal. Yet Islam wants to go back to Theocracies and that is plain stupidity. Things might get a bit rough for a while. And it is unfortunate that at this same time, there are so many political dictatorial despots, with their own different selfish agendas, fighting both the Islamists and the democratics (forces of freedom) and the Islamists fighting the materialism of democracy … so, the unholy trinity!  Voltaire said he actually “distrusted democracy…as propagating the idiocy of the masses” There is still some truth in that, even as we have made many technological and intellectual advances over the past 300 years or so.

The media can trigger instant, mass protest with a word or phrase where the process of intellectual meditation is simply by-passed with idiotic, mindless reactionary passions and we follow like lemmings over the precipice. And, the media is an instrument, as we know, of the forces invested in digressive social constructs…governments, state and church dogma, corporations and corrupted DNA, which offer little hope for the survival of humanity.

Islam is a corrupted religious institution but, not unlike the hypocrisy of others, which I have addressed in previous blogs though, in their case, the sword is the instrument of change and dominance. And the centuries of that divisive, oppressive teaching is deeply embedded into the psyche of their submissive followers, which renders them helpless, perhaps, through the possibility of real DNA corruption.

I know this personally from my struggle over the last five or six decades to exorcise oppressive church and social indoctrination which was down deep in my genetic library.

I am convinced there are thousands and thousands of very decent, compassionate, embraceable and non-violent Muslims under the umbrella of Islam but, they are bare handed and helpless against the fanatical, godless threat of the hypocritical Jihadist’s sword.

This illustration I open to any who care to use it, publish it... my contribution to freedom of speech.
*Is holy war against Christians and Jews—“infidels”—a perversion of Islam? Here’s the evidence, from Islamic texts and history. by Mark Hartwig, Ph.D.
You can Google this paper… it is convincing.

Selamat Tinggal                                Rod                 



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