Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mona Lisa Speaks Out

Mona Lisa speaks out

After 500 years of silence, behind that captivating smile, from the most famous woman in the world, Mona Lisa speaks out for women, entrapped in the centuries of fairytale godfather rituals of church, state and angry men. Aside from what Sally Armstrong declares, in her Massey Lectures, women are still not free from those rituals, fearful rhetoric, that elect the Trumps of the world, Canada, USA, Britain, China, Germany, France, Russia. Venezuela, Brasil, Chili... to name a few of the  conservative, authoritarian  countries, not only admonishing women, but also censuring  democracy... piece by piece, covert, foxy lies and hyperbole.

I applaud Sally, Malala and other great women, as they chip away at the dogmatic rhetoric, engrained in the human psychic,  as far back as 100,000 years, at the origin of language in the Homo sepians brain... weaponized language, that chips away at the brain, cell by cell from those brave women, yet, who still elect those dictators.
Mona Lisa speaks out.

Mixing the masters of art on my palette... Leonardo deVinci (Mona Lisa 1502), Jean-Pierre (Diana with Callisto 1745)... I imagine a new and modern narrative behind "The Smile".

Mona Lisa speaks out in the cause of women, world wide.

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