Monday, December 29, 2014


It is true! I kissed that cross that the pope directed towards my lips. And I did so without thinking. It was a reflex action upon an involuntary action, by the Pope. About 100 people went before me. I was not in line for that. I was last in line following my Celebrity friend, who was embraced by the Pope, her Pope, as this is her Church... I wanted a picture of her against that background. The Pope gave me permission, as well as many pictures I wished to snap.
I thanked him, as he pressed the crossed
to my lips. Well, I was not struck down,
I received no thunderous revelations but,
strangely there was a quietness in that
event of gentle authority and a kind face.
You perhaps guessed by now that this was not Pope Francis

but the Pope of the Russian Orthodox Church, in Forth Lauderdale, Florida. The deeply ritualize sermon lasted for  two hours, even as people paraded in and round lighting candles and kissing, with obedient reverence, the many pedestaled and gilded icons.
The Pope walked about frequently and respectfully waving his belled, incensed smoking chalice at all of the icons.
I watched silently and wondered why I was not feeling anger or critical. I did though, reaffirm my conviction, as I listened to the prayers and thanks to the fantasy Jesus and Lord in the heavens and wondered why decent adult human beings have submitted to such a fabrication. The choir master and his small choir of three really did do a great presentation, mixing and integrating singing song prayers in perfectly sequence  with the Pope throughout the entire two hour service.
The little church was also adorned with colourful stained glass window icons

As I review the pictures I remember the event with peace in my mind and body. There was a playfulness about the place and the Pope's own words were basically... "Have mercy and be kind to one another"
Selamat tinggal      Rod



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