Saturday, April 11, 2015


I might label  this an academic coup, a contrarian degree from the University At The Door Of The Universe UoU.

Eight months in the writing, five years collecting, creating and living on the road and 72 years of memories and the book is finished: BEHIND GOD'S MASK

I should have a mind blowing conclusion here, but I cannot at this moment come up with even one poetic line. Yet, through this eight month blogging process, that resulted in memory recall back to my early childhood life, I have actually made a monumental discovery, that disentangles me from all religious doctrines and debilitating, fabricated social constructs, not just intellectually, but also philosophically. I am now convinced of the judicious secularity of the human mind. And I do not speak from authority, but conviction, gained from experience, which I am labelling ‘poetic authority’ or more commonly, ‘gut feeling’, which has substantial empirical data backup, in both genetic and digital libraries.

Now, freshly graduated, like a student from the halls of academia, humbled by the process, I must step out onto the critical streets of the world, one on one, face to face, body to body in real time and off the screens of digital magic. This is not a fantasy.

Connecting with social media along the way, through my blog, Face book, Twitter and emails has been a delightful and therapeutic exercise. I crossed many borders, as persona no grata, to places where no reputable artist should travel, politics, religion, social issues of the day, media commentary voicing my opinion in a crass and disconnected manner. It seemed necessary, as my belly mind was full of garbage that over shadowed my ambitions of philosophical purity… he must not embroil himself in the day to day events.

An artist must be above all of that “loose cannon ball” reaction, while commenting, with his art, on the deeper forces that motivate humanity. His art must be the messenger, without verbal commentary. He must not be narcissistic. The ambiguous nuances in his art must explain him, to the liberated mind, lest it/he has failed as a messenger.

Art must be left to the critics to explain to the masses. That is their job and duty, as the layman cannot be chastised for not getting the point. Though it is not always important to “get the point” if one feels the point. “Gut” feeling is a universal language, which no words can explain and are not necessarily needed. The artist creates from the gut and is not required to understand or to explain.

I will not explain A SAD MAN, the last image in this book. It will offend some, maybe many, but the viewer must investigate his/her reactions and feelings, as the artist cannot do this since he cannot read minds. Yet, the triggers that elicit reactions are universal.

A SAD MAN spontaneously arrived out of a long series of events regarding sexual abuse against women, couple with the vitriolic social backlash against men. An instant picture flashed in the synapses of my brain which I acted upon with out analysis, but with a duty to perform.

There are social forces at play in this work of art that sit deep under what will be the initial surface reactions.

Now that I have my degree from the University of the Universe (UoU), I no longer have further need to examine my motivations. I am liberated. So I can get onto to perfecting the articulation of my creative energies that were long ago smothered by the propaganda embedded in regressive dogmatic and fabricated doctrines by the vested interest bodies of this human society.

Phew… that was a journey. Okay let’s see…am I really an artist or just a foul mouth, ignorant rhetoricalist. I still plan to use, unapologetically, those eloquent, cultural and universal colloquialisms of my mother… fuck, goddamn and others that may pop spontaneously off my tongue from time to time. I have certainly burned at the stake, those theocratic doctrines from my genetic bank, but there is no coin is denying one’s heritage and culture of those early days in that royal, rural forest habitat.

As a highwayman, the Secular Cell-way offers a clear vision of where I go next. This book is as I see it, an essential element of the package I am offering to venues around North America.

When you reach a point in life where you do not blame anyone or do not judge anyone or do not expect handouts and you accept life as it comes and you are ready to present yourself as you are, without fear of ridicule or judgement then, you are at total peace with yourself and filled with confidence. Cannot say that I am actually there, but I am feeling these states like I have never before. How did this happen.

Intellectually, I argued that it was possible, if one got everything out, as Thomson Jefferson said, then that would be the therapy that would solve all or most of one psychological issues. We should remember that the more we keep things in, hiding them from those around us, out of embarrassment or fear or abiding by accepted mores of day, they then establish corrosive juices in our psyche, that isolate us socially.

I was not sure if that, intellectual fireside chat I had with myself years ago was anything more than a playful fantasy. However, I stuck with the mission, but did I succeed. Since I started writing this book I have basically been in isolation, physically in a small condo in South Florida looking after two dogs and making meals for my Celebrity friend. My only significant exposure to the outside world was in discussions with MacD who was a welcome intellectual challenge to my ideas. She connected me to a measure of reality, that kept my mind active and alert. Of course, I also had the internet/social media… news in a box pumped into my enclosure like propaganda…

Pavlovian conditioning… pushing buttons 18 hours a day.

Though, here I am now, with a degree: Passionne de Contraire and will soon be leaving my box… to face the real world…. or that of it which is real, as there is a lot of unreal out there in the coo coo’s nest… enough to fuck up a stable mind. But I am used to that and I did not have to seek psychiatric services or become a Buddhist to harmonize my mind and body with that chaotic world, where always one will find flowers between the cracks of concrete and asphalt. I simply used the mental and financial practicality of common sense… that resulted in no medical bills.

Let me point out the obvious. A substantial degree of content in this book is on the subject of “GOD”. That is because I see this ideology as existing in virtually every aspect of society, deeply entrenched in our constitutions, in spite of our imperious claims of secularity. It is so broadly webbed in our daily life, language and laws that we are gratuitously even defensively accepting it as reality.

Everyday, I feel and see it around me, as I am convinced this omni potent dynamism of “God” is nothing more than biological energy forces at play in the hundred billion or so neurons of activity in the cellular structures of our minds.




This is my last post on “gofundme”. It was a financial failure. The organization did not live up to it’s advance billing. Friends told me it was silly. But there are a some successes. And congratulations to those winners. But it depends on the cause. An artist trudging along on an ambiguous journey, investigating the causes and effects of humanity, as valid as it may be, does not pull at the “heart strings”. I realized this early on, but decided to continue, as the format, limited as it was, offered another wide new theatrical stage upon which to present my material. But it is now time to put it in the past, but this is not the only part of my life I am putting in the past.

“God” is going there also, to the cobwebbed attic. I need to make no further comments on that subject. I am finished with that myth, that began for me 72 years ago and hung around for almost thirty five years, before my consciousness kicked in. The journey of that exorcism started in the early 80’s. It was a struggle and if it was narcissistic, I did not recognize it at that time. My philosophical rationalization was that I had to dig inside myself to find the answers to the woes of civilization on planet earth. I even prayed to “God” for answers. Of course, nothing came of that.

After five years of travelling the highways and by-ways of North American, living in my vehicles or garrets or bog shacks, I have finally put the verbal and visual record of those journeys into a book titled: BEHIND GOD‘S MASK. I believe I stayed true to the original objective, to investigate the inner forces and my contributions to the woes of this magnificent planet.

I am no longer in doubt about the existence of “God” and can clearly express my opinion on that matter. If there is a god out there, he/she/it is surely not going to resemble any visual or verbal concoction invented by the frightened, manipulated and under-utilized human brain for the last few thousand years. Science has desecrated the traditional myth around that, while not confirming that there is no god, as biology has not yet conclusively explained the origin of life.

The human mind is now liberated and filled with a new level of optimism and anticipation, as am I. Yes, the wars continue and there conceivably will be another “apocalyptic” style blood bath and destruction. But, if the human race survives that, it will be a better world, at least for a lengthy period of time, if we can control the default gene in our DNA.

BEHIND GOD’S MASK will be going out next week to the number of publishers who have expressed interest. And I will be carrying copies with me for the next 72 years. Hope to see you on the highways and by-ways… cannot wait to see what comes next, as I move from this internet armchair n back to the streets with my: Galleria Unplugged.
Although I believe there in no "God", as I have been told throughout my life time, I will not be proselytizing to anyone on the good or evil of their beliefs. I have reached my position in this matter and have told you so, according to the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson: "We ought not to die before we have explained ourselves to each other". It is not off the table. I will always be open to discussing the issue, as it is fascinating, embracing and intellectually inspiring to wonder about the deep and complex space in the inner universe, with its hundred billion neurons.

You are not my enemy if you believe in "God". I will live and let live and get on to looking through new telescopes... without the fear of authority looking over my shoulder.

I am heading out of South Florida and back to the Bog in three weeks to prepare for my journey across Canada. While in the Bog I will be practising my musical craft, the most frustrating and seemingly unattainable mission in my life. Musicians have long been my heroes.

Not certain what my next instalments will be on this Blog, but back in my Jasper Bog I will be practising the music I have written over the years and will be making videos. Let's see what comes of it. If I feel I will not be too ill crafted, I will post some here to see if I receive any feedback. One thing is for certain. Any reference to the traditional "God" will be incidental coincidental. That "God" is no longer a functioning practical factor in my life. I say this without anger, or regret, but with the joy and anticipation of the freedom road ahead... liberated from the myths while re-enfranchised with my creative powers. I no longer fear the authority of the myth makers.

Selamat tinggal





6 pgs 1921 words

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