Saturday, March 28, 2015


Wars are inevitable, on into the future. We simply have to accept the fact that we are territorial animals hustling for food, the most precious, limited commodity on planet earth.

God is an archaic beast of the human imagination that cannot save us.

Sam Harris says that Islam is the “mother lode of bad ideas”.

I say that God religions are the ‘mother lodes of bad ideas’ .

The whole of human civilization needs a reformation, not simply Islam, as Ayaan Hersi Ali declares. Step number one is, we need to remove religion out of the headlines of life because, reality is chewing away at our bodies and minds, while the myths, ignoring this fact, cannot arrest this action.

We should not be angry with the capitalist.. They are the “smart” ones!

We simply have to accept that, the “weak” will not survive. Hunger overrides morality. The predator hungry, smart man, will survive.

No matter how far we think we are above the animal kingdom, the facts of life are killing us and our myths are keeping us dumbed down. Capitalists are not myth believers and that is why they are smarter and why they will be the survivors. To say they believe in god is simply one of their smart patronising tricks to keep the myth believers weak and at bay

Islam is simply the violent, contemporary knife’s sharp edge of the human psyche, the capitalist treasonous ethos, that is practiced consistently, throughout the commercial landscape. This is a fact of life, not a myth, and has been practiced since the origin of consciousness and the capitalists ideology… an ideology that is also intrinsic to each and every human being and is a contradiction to the ideology of mythicism, which relies on a daily practised theological ritual of utopianism.

Religion is a fabricated myth from which we need to smarten-up and “snap-out-of ” There is a “mother lode” of human immorality in this while there is instinctive morality in the human genetic/DNA bank which we violate with our myths… which, by the way, capitalists and other animals do not violate.

Capitalists are not destroying the world. They are constructing beautiful safe havens, with walls and armies and they are using the myth believers, who are destroying the world, as the sustenance upon which capitalism relies and survives.

Children believe in fairy tales, but these become the educational training ground for adult myth believers, the food of the capitalists, eating you up and spitting out your bones.

We have to start using our brains to knock the myth credo from it‘s hallowed, societal pedestals . There is no heaven in the sky and the only factual paradise possible is here on planet earth.

The strong (capitalist) will survive and the weak (myth believers) will perish… was, is and always(?) will be. The reality is, the meek will not inherit the earth. There is no “meek” in the psychology of the human mind. That too is a myth. Factually, there is weak, but not meek!

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