Friday, November 28, 2014

From That To This

I was glad to get out of the BOG and the cold snow. My psyche was prepared to move from the shit house to the "sun and the fun"!

From that:

To this:

To T-shirts and sandals to Brazilian music. Did you ever hear Brazilian country and western? It is distinctive, with a few integrated, recognizable twangy chords.

and to a pretty lady...
a Channel 7 news celebrity... her first break in public notoriety, her first step upon the stage, her "American Dream". She is loaded with toxic social biases, with opinions on everything from vinegar in wines to "liar lawyers", politicians and world affairs. She loves animals more than humans and she gave up eating lobsters when she saw them being submersed in a pot of boiling water... that made her cry... for them. She is a celebrity at heart, loves the camera focusing on her, never late for an appointment, is never caught off guard, with a verbal retort that can melt your heart or destroy your ego in an instant (depending on the attitude of the giver, whether that be the President of the USA or the Queen of England). She would never be "caught some place with the wrong purse".
She says my art is "bullshit"! She has no trouble expressing herself. For this, I find her one of the most refreshing people I know. She can give it and she can take and... will give it back, faster and quicker than lightening. You will love her or hate her but, you will never forget her!

She is a natural fashionista... born and bred on a rich European cultural, behind the "Iron Curtain" She clawed and screamed and excavated her way out to America and is now a USA citizen and is reconstructing her ideology on the illusive "American Dream".
That is an interview you want to hear at which point you will fall off your chair in pains of laughter. She is spontaneously creative in this way. You'll never guess what will come out of her mouth next... it is certainly not rhetorical garbage, as factually right or wrong as it might be.
So, I am happily here in South Florida to share some ideas (on art, writings, videos, films) for her on her way to the limelight . We have a decade and half of history, she and I, from Russian through Canada to America… a story to tell... from hell to hell!
As well I am here to open some venues for my own “Bullshit” art. Along with, of course, to get out of the bullshit winter in the Bog. Of course, also… to write that song on that Flapper, Nellie, for our spring ceremony/celebration at her dark terrestrial home in Connecticut. I did visit her on my way down… it was refreshing to embrace her again, as well as with some inviting cousin family along the way.

Let’s see where this all goes.


Selamat tinggal Nellie and y’all....

from the son in the sun



Flapper Nellie
My own Grandma
circa 1927

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