Sunday, November 9, 2014

Invective, ranting prose

This blog is a follow-up from my Facebook blog yesterday: THE RATS OF CYBER STREET.

I received another letter from a lady, who gave her feedback and her interpretation of the feedback of other ladies on my commentary: WHEN THE RATS JUMP SHIP. I love her reply and as it is my nature, I will reply to each of her points, which I am now in the process of doing.

Lady wrote:

I've re-read your post about Rex Murphy/Jian Ghomeshi. It still hits like an angry rant. Perhaps that is your intention. What I believe has drawn the ire of some of your women facebook friends is

a) lambasting Rex for his opinion against Jian G. (Didn't hear/read Rex so I am assuming) which seems to position you in support of Jian G.

Rod writes

"...seems to position you in support of Jian G..." "seems" is not evidential in my commentary, is an assumption without fact. There is nothing I wrote that supports abusers. I neither support nor endorse Jian in my words. Assumptions are relied upon in the contrived ideology of the social construct manufacturers (probably addressed in Manufacturing Consent...Noam Chomsky).


b) then follows an intimate description of rough consensual sex you experienced and the notion that slapping dogs induces excitement because they will keep coming back


There is a lot of ambiguity in this statement. What is she saying here? Does slapping dogs asses induce excitement...? I do not know but, I do know the dogs keep coming back for more... why? I had done the slapping and there is a noticeable euphoric-like look in the way the dogs hold their heads coupled with that action of disappointment in their physical expression when I stop slapping... a turning back their heads, looking at me with sad-like eyes. Dogs totally dominate me... that is why I cannot own them... I am sure I would turn them into obese sexual perverts. Well, that is getting a little off the subject. The question I have is this: Is slapping a human animal ass similarly as effective a slapping a dog's ass. It is a known fact, from the DND/Human Genome project, that we humans are as short as one gene away from being a chicken or ape... or, a dog. And it is also known that male and female humans have the same sexual drive (David Suzuki, Nature of things)

c) your call to followers of the ART to step up in support of....Jian? Rough Sex?


Again, assumptions. But,  I did not say that "rough sex" is abusive sex. And let me say again... I was brought to this delightful ART by the lady. She was my mentor... a passionate, inspiring lady, about whom I wrote a song. I loved how her yellow jeans  embraced her bottom and how they enhanced her Mediterranean olive skin.


 In my view, the story of Jian Ghomeshi is not about rough consensual sex, but about the alleged physical assault as 3 women have laid legal charges. Joining the two subjects infers you are in support of his taste for rough sex. Many now see this as his excuse for violent behaviour.


Without making contrived assumptions... on some of which you might be right. And I cannot control your factualist assumptions that I am "in support of his taste for rough sex". It seems you have concluded that my idea of "rough sex" is synonymous  with how you see Jian's rough sex or rather how the media has interpreted his rough sex... abusive assault, as reported by the ladies. However, my text does not support your assumption about me. There is no evidence in my text that does this.


The view of women here is heavily skewed in favour of stopping assaults against women. We've known men that are violent....many of us have been assaulted or suffered with a friend who has. It's a delicate line to walk, as a man, when you discuss this subject.


Men have to go there, a "delicate line" or not... in their own defense and in support of women. This is exactly the line I walk in all of my artistic endeavours. It was and remains a patriarchal, bloody society. I ask you, women, to hear what I am saying. I am fighting for your cause and my own liberty, from the social constructs that oppress you. Let us all understand also about the instinctual forces that drive us. Sometime, they are not pretty. But, we need to collectively raise the human society to high grounds. We still have, obviously, have a ways to go.


No matter how deplorable the behaviour of CBC, if he is guilty, he should face the full penalty the law allows. Until then he is innocent.


The fact is, he has already been convicted, in the court of public opinion.


Perhaps one needed to see the Rex piece to fully get what you were saying, but I would expect few have.

My personal choice is to recognize, albeit with distaste, the media frenzy, the growing number of complainants etc., and try to understand the true root of the problem in our societal structure that leads to these issues being dealt with in this way. Finding solutions is more important to me than the shock value of a rant.

I've come to the conclusion that government, politicians, media, business.....(everyone therefore) LIES!! We live in a society with an extreme focus on self-interest at all costs, at all levels. It is what has made us so sick.


Ditto... dear lady


 I have much to say on this subject, but truly I prefer to be encouraged by the positive steps taking place to create a kinder world.

I sincerely appreciate this lady's commentary, as it addresses some of my most passionate social concerns, in particular... the metaphoric/social constructs embedded in language that are used by the forces of dis-harmony, to trigger instantaneous destructive action in society.

44 mins · Like

Rod Malay: She adds: Words are important and I have no fear of them. Thoughts create words, and words create actions. In this sense, I believe words are powerful and should be respected. I reread my last email. I don't think it fully captures what I would say to the facebook universe on this subject, but I get the sense you are trying to create a dialogue of sorts or reaction from friends? Maybe you could explain that to me.

I would like to understand more of why you choose an invective, ranting style of prose to get your point across. That interests me.

40 mins · Like

Rod Malay: She asks why I choose "an invective, ranting, style of prose"

39 mins · Like

Rod Malay: Give me a minute... I have to ask Thesaurus what "invective..." means... seriously.

38 mins · Like

Rod Malay: AHA:... it means denouncement, condemnation, diatribe... I will add that to my mental library. This is just off the top of my head.

32 mins · Like

Rod Malay: One must denounce insidious, rhetorical commentary and I have been known to rant. But must one relegate ranting to the side line of thoughtful debate. Even gossip has its social benefits, mentally, psychologically, and even spiritually, to use a lazy, thoughtless, over used language metaphor.

24 mins · Like

Rod Malay: And one more explanation to this lovely lady... I do not "choose an invective, ranting style of prose" as I understand that to be a contrived (dishonest) controlling action. Truly, I work hard at speaking from innocent impulse... without pre-meditation. It is not easy for me, as I feel largely controlled by contrived social metaphors. So I employ pre-emptive impulse in my writing and art with the belief that I will eventually destroy the deeply embedded religious, state, corporate constructs that determine my behaviour.

I have installed this painting in a past blog but, feel it is even more useful in this blog:

EJOP stands for: European Journal Of Psychology. I have done a series of paintings on magazine cover themes to explore the iconic power of commercial logos. My paining art, in fact, all of my art is not intended a wall decorations, rather I do it and use it as departure points on  the discussion of social structures. The image here is taken from a "selfie". The door, with moon and stars, is taken from my Jasper Bog World Bank outhouse. Humour is always in my art... but, that humour is loaded with social context. The moon and the star... a shit house door is loaded... check it out on the internet.

Com’on in…! Welcome… Enter… At Your Own Risk

Salamat tinggal



Rod (underscore)

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