Thursday, February 5, 2015

Convivtion vs Authority

Editorial notation…word deletion: “Fuck, bullshit, lies…”

I want to fire that fucking editor but, he has a point. Words like that most often diminish the believable objectivity of written commentary… “FUCK…!!!” I grew up with those indigenous words… ingrained in my culture. They were so common that they were virtually meaningless…. “I’m gonna burn his fuckin ass” That was a common refrain, a good one but, his ass did not get burned. That was just humorous, meaningless talk over a beer and game of cards. How does one move up from that ingrained vernacular without destroying ones essence? I have to admit… I tried again and again… just like I tried to give up masturbation because, I was told “you’d go blind”… another fucking theological fabrication. that curbed my pleasure for years, driving me into secrecy while denying that I had control over my hand.

Here is an exercise I used to rid myself of that “blasphemous” language… an intro to my book: The Book of Monad

Ok, let me see if I can convince you of my objectivity.

Conviction or Authority

There is a difference. One can be convinced of an ideology or idea while having no authority on the subject. On the other side… Strong conviction might quickly be labelled… believer. And “believers” rule the world …with ignorance. And the result is the atrocities that lead to wars, poverty, greed, human and material devastation, under the blanket of political and theological ideologies.

My conviction does not fit within either of those institutions… not the believers or the authoritarians. I believe in nothing, yet I am convinced that religious ideologies have been and continue to be the driving forces of all the bloodshed in the world. Political constitutions remain under the oppressive hand of theology. There truly are no secular constitutions. America… “In God We Trust”. Islam… “Allah Is Great”. In China… Buddha is Great.. All constitutions, ostensibly constructed for the people… are in the name of one God or another. It is all bull shit two face lies, loaded with smelly hypocrisy.

Religion doctrine is enshrined in the constitutions which ostensibly declares the separation of church and state.

Many Western constitutions, probably all constitutions all, are written on theological ideologies, which have no fact, no empirical evidence of fact. Yet they say there is a separation of state and church. What I say, what I think or what I postulate on has more fact based authority then the constitutions of the lands, which are based squarely on thesis’s that cannot be proven on any level.


Empirical evidence proves the point. I need not express any voice of authority on this matter.. the proof is spilt in blood on the street virtually every minute of every day. The theological loaded media (including social media) rage with sham aghast at heads being chopped off and the theatre of that action keeps giving, lest their audience should lose interest or fall asleep in their comfortable seats. So now to keep the audience awake… actors are burning hostages alive… in the name of God, of course.


“Religious” (if you can overlook the pass irreversible barbarities, justified by church dogma, including… burning… people alive at the stake) “is responsible for a lot of good in this world today”… you/they say!

First of all, that is not true and such false utterances is simply rhetorical propaganda from indoctrinated minds. All churches have a material vested interest in having the populous chant, in unison, their particular mantra.

You can still go to hell or become a fucking dog or chicken, etc if you do not “believe”!


News flash
Top Muslim cleric… on the ISIS burning of the Jordian pilot alive… okay but why film the video in this shocking way” MSN news 05 Feb 2015

And you have no evidence outside your corrupt theological inventions. And given the “blood letting” still going on in the world today, in the name of your god… you have a long way to get back to neutral ground before you can even begin to seduce my mind again, as when I was a child. You have spent millennia, as parasites, riding on the back of science constantly updating church dogma in the name of your apparently ignorant, uneducated know-it-all-god. And you are still doing it. He did not even know the fucking earth was round, which was established by 3rd century BC astronomy but, speculated by philosopher Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. Secular science figured it out and dispelled the myth of the flat earth. And then the church jumped on it back like a prostitute and appropriated the language for their god. OH…the bible talks about the “circle” but the clerics so, “no, he really meant the sphere” in the book of Corinthians.

God was and is being invented, by human flesh, in the form of continually mutating myths, as antidotes to scientifically proven facts. As Bertrand Russell said at the ‘Pearly Gates‘ to justify his atheism… “you did not provide me with enough evidence”. He, like I, was open to the possible existence of god. But, that evidence is now well beyond 300 trillion scientific miles away from earth and fast exceeding that, as empirical data and facts advance… exponentially.

The declaration that human benevolence is a product of theological evolution is another corrupt and false belief. Again, there are libraries of empirical evident to the contrary, which, coincidentally point out yet another theological fabrication. I am profoundly convinced that we humans established benevolence long before the “story” of god jumped upon and appropriated that fact of life. I would say that archaeological evident has already proven this to be fact…. probably by the footsteps of Lucy and those that accompanied her… in the sands of time.

About 30 years ago I did a painting on the evolution of Christianity. I can convincingly argue that the painting titled, ROCK OF AGES, can be a metaphor that applies to all religions and is philosophically current, 2015. We start with the ROCK, the crash that has reverberated up through the geological layers of time.


Here is where I wish to insert “THE SECULAR CELL”, a cell that is 3.5 billion years old… approximately, up to the point where it was bastardized by conscious, man made myths. After that, it was all downhill into millennia of institutions constructed on the trades of prostitution and parasitic ideologies, which continue to this day with all of its constituent, destructive characteristics and atrocities and fortified by an education system that censors knowledge, making it a cleverly convenient instrument of behavioural control.




News Flash

Fourth-grader suspended ….for bringing a kids' book about pregnancy to school.” GOPUSA By Odessa American, (TX) February 3, 2015

Rod Malay
The Secular Cell

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