Monday, February 9, 2015


Katharine Viner,

Editor-in-chief USA Guardian

Dear Katherine

Thank you for the opportunity to stretch my new wings of criticism. You threw the challenge out and I threw it back. I had to do it… am Scropio. This kind of rhetorical journalism as printed from Hassan/Weiss, is regressive and self aggrandising. It should not even be debated as respectable material. It is not up to the standards of excellence, eloquence or inspiration. It is simply reckless adventurism. Except, maybe, if it was written by a neophyte. Unfortunately, this level of journalism/writing is all too common, on a global level these day… deafeningly so… “dumbing down“ your readership.

Hassan Hassan and Michael Weiss have just further dumped intellectual commentary into the dark and screaming crevices of ancient time’s gone by with their lazy, apathetic diatribe on Jihad debauchery. Those two, who obviously seem to have had nothing more stimulating to do so, inadvertently or cleverly... dredged up the boring age of reptilian savagery in human history and named it Jihad ideology, … WOW, what a unique discovery! That is sure to delight those non Islamic opportunists, those undoubtedly wealthy and ‘hand’ massaged opportunist watching it all vicariously in the security of their luxurious tents behind their computer screens, as their soldier slaves die in the field to get to heaven and to their promised endless supply of pillow virgins.
Weiss and Hassan have titled their scrap of rhetoric: Isis has reached new depths of depravity. But there is a brutal logic behind it.”*

First of all, though it can be explained biologically and philosophically, there is no political or religious logic to brutal savagery and it certainly was not exclusive to the depraved domain of Islamic history. If you have nothing better to do with your boring day, Masseurs Hassan and Michael, do a little research into the savage torture in the Roman Catholic Church or the daily entertaining practices of the Roman Coliseums…hungry lions tearing human flesh into juicy meaty fibres in front of hundreds of cheering fans, as across Europe in the middle ages, people getting barbequed in barrels, boiled alive or hung up and lowered slowly down onto sharpened poles driving up into their rectums until they die in horrific pain and of course… burning at the stake. They called it all, punishment for heresy, blasphemy or some other excuse for their pleasure of the day.

NO, NO, NO… you two guys should do something better with your time rather than scribbling down sensationalist, tedious rhetoric in a poor attempt to rationalize a “Jihad… Ideology” on an intellectual level. That is an intellectual insult and a sad travesty to human evolution.
We all know that it is easy to corrupt the minds of the weak, the uneducated, the oppressed ** … as done so by the Clerics, Imams, etc and by the so called “scholars” of theology, in every denomination throughout history. They are nothing more than criminal minded manipulators, which you are glorifying… why…WHY?

Why are you doing this… spending time elevating their treachery and savagery to the level of an “ideology” when that are simply reptiles of another epoch. And why is the Guardian media rag printing this Philistine bullshit.

“Freedom of speech”…you editors might retort.

I believe in freedom of speech but, not from supposedly educated PHDs, scholars or seasoned journalists when they puke out mindless hyperbole and verbosity like their article displays.

I do hope that no one reads this as a serious intellectual thesis. It would not even suit a grade “B” movie. Sirs, you have done a disservice to the benevolence in the human journey, regarding serious intellectual inquiry.

Oh… and audience out there, I now see that Regan Arts, out of New York is going to publish their book on that subject. I will not supply you with the title, as I fear it will be irresponsible of me and a more useless waste of print space and reading time for those seeking higher levels of intellectual inquiries.

 It is nothing short of Jihady sensationalism and prostitution…exposed and capitalised on by being published IN “respectable” media factories.

Regan Arts…How about publishing my blog Book . It is far more original, honest and entertaining. I will be passing by New York in late April... would be happy to drop by and say hi.



Rod Malay

The Secular Cell

* Hassan Hassan, The Guardian “Isis has reached new depths of depravity. But there is a brutal logic behind it.”…

** Planting false memories fairly easy, psychologists find

Published in January 2015, in the journal, Psychological Science by Julia Shaw of Britain’s University of Bedfordshire and Stephen Porter

Note: This” memories” article is worth reading and it more appropriately applies to the indoctrinated minds of the Jihadist. One might also consider the effects of lazy journalism writing on the public mind. If we are told, on a regular basis, that there is a Jihadist “Ideology” we will eventually believe it. And such re-enforcement become omnipotent and dangerous. The fast bits and bite media of the day is doing exactly that. It is a time bomb… death by incremental process.

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