My DAAARRRRLIN’ you have written a lot of interesting commentary here. Sometimes I think we, you and I are riding on the same psychic wave...
Here are some questions:
Is the task at hand to encourage thought through the creation of an object? Or is it to measure the impact of its expression (validation)?
I think the “object”... the product?, be it material or philosophical is what arrives out of thought, incidentally... idealistically... thought and the freedom of thought, being the objective
And just how does one measure that impact? Through societal means? i.e. recognition, praise, money, publicity, demand? These are ego pursuits.
Is “ego” learned? and if it is, then it is a parasite on the back of praise, recognition, etc., for fear of demise. I do have an ego but, it seems to be waning in face of my need to develop eloquence or perfection, which are the products of the external world... applied ego? If we succeed at survival... at the skill, for instance, of killing a beast, we feel better, as our belly is full and future killings require less energy, more productivity, more leisure time. Does ego arrive at this point? you teach your child the skill at successful procreation. Then arrives ‘satisfaction’... pride, with pats on the back. Everyone is happier. If it is for the success of the it evil? Is it ego or does it become ego if it rewards only yourself and not the community, where others are placed in servitude for your benefit, your ego?
I think a performer on stage, giving people delight, is healthy for the audience [tribe]... If the performer, the teacher is skilful, the tribe becomes more healthy and gives a pat on the back or an unsolicited buck in the pocket from the knowledge imparted to the tribe, with a new level of awareness.. an enhanced level of survival. The performer becomes the hunter/teacher. Ego arrives if the hunter does this for his own profit, that leads to the servitude of others.
As you can see...I am stumbling my way through this investigation of the meaning of “ego”. Now I say “eloquence and perfection’ are not externally applied but, come from the voice within, with a genetic need to grow one’s skill, probably above the mere need to survive that inherently brings with it the success of the tribe. Ego is a corrupt character flaw that is influenced from a genetic default... the selfish gene, which is largely socialized out, from childhood but, is ever present and brings debauchery, when ego steps in from the theatre of the absurd. ”
Elbow Room
So it's all about getting one's voice heard, then validated as influential---but how do we ever determine its influence?
Its influence is validated/successful if the tribe is truly and honestly happy, without regret or cynicism.
I'm thinking of a lone canary singing a beautifully brilliant song. He sings and sings, not a mating cry, just a long and uniquely precious voice singing away without thought of an audience. He sings because he can and because he needs to, and it is enough. He cannot know that the tiny child a mile away is so taken with the canary's melody that his inner music is awakened and he becomes a talented composer. The canary sings because he has a voice, and it is enough. He isn't seeking praise or payment or even impact.
There is a conflict of interest in our needs. One is to express. The other is to receive validation for the expression. One is clear and true. The other is a societal package. How can they both live in the same body?
If they live in the same body there is conflict... external, destructive conflict.
Of course, this is all from my source of Poetic Authority
Lately I've been wondering if I've lost my mind….or finally found my voice. I'm hoping it's the latter. I feel like I've made a wonderful discovery that answers a million agonizing questions I've had through life. And here I am writing to a man that knew this all along. Like I've jumped out of the mainstream into mental clarity.
Man needs his life to having meaning and purpose, whether it's misconceived, illusionary, or bang on the money. Isn't that the driving force behind ambition no matter the goal? Once he's figured out the vehicle to reach that goal, he seeks confirmation of having achieved it.
Morally and ideally, he seeks confirmation by a happy tribe, lest he arrives at internal conflict and external unhappiness, which of course can lead to a multiple of disastrous outcomes from an ego in decline.
The artist creates to express himself, to draw attention and interest, and his measure of achievement is in concrete results.
The artist creates to educate himself, to improve his skill.
Attaining the result is the most difficult and unpredictable step in his quest. The lack of a desired result can look like failure based on our social constructs of success. But I believe the unique expression in itself is the validation. If Man undoes his cultural packaging and expresses a new vision, the goal is achieved. It is a life of meaning and purpose and does not require external validation. The imprint of his work is permanent and not measurable under the terms of society. Validation is achieved when another man is directly or indirected ignited by the flow of unpackaged thought, but how and where can we be sure the flow originated with another person's expression?
I believe in the “unpackaging” to achieve new vision, new skills
MacD: Validation from society is an ego pursuit...
Rod: If there is corruption.
I've run out of battery….which may be timely.
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